One of my favorite subjects to paint are portraits of the exploration and activities that make people come alive. This concept is what I call “Adventure Lifestyle Art,” because they prominently feature an activity that is not only meaningful, but brings people great joy. At it’s essence, this kind of art is about unplugging from the chaos and finding peace, joy, and personal fulfillment in nature.

If that sounds like the kind of art you want, let’s talk!

Collaborations - Lifestyle portraits that align thematically with my effort to build a collection of “Adventure Lifestyle Art” are a pleasure and privilege to work on with you! Because they help me to build my portfolio as much as they create something beautiful for you, I charge different rates for these “commissions'“ and retain either the right to resell the image in prints later, or the original painting. I’m constantly looking for opportunities to collaborate and capture the joy and sense of freedom you find in nature!

Commissions - Commissions that are uniquely personal to you are available on a limited basis. I’m always happy to discuss commissions and the ideas that are close to your heart as well as share my pricing structure, below:


Let’s get lost.

Let’s meet for coffee and get lost in conversation. Tell me about your favorite trip, activity, or outdoor adventure and we’ll explore what kind of commission or collaboration is best for you!