Introducing “Fragmented”
“Fragmented” is an oil painting across twelve canvases. As a whole, the work is about living in a deeply divided society, which deserves healing. It’s designed to start healing conversations about society. The work is accompanied by thought-provoking questions to aid in constructive dialogue. You’ll find them all at the end of this page.
Each canvas can stand alone.
Each of the twelve canvases is about a different divisive issue in society. None of the panels are designed to take a side on any particular issue. Instead, they consider the harm that is caused by the divisiveness that results from the issue. Conversation prompts are available for each panel to spur introspection and constructive dialogue.
They’re made for unity.
Each panel is connected to its neighbors through color, images, or texture. Together, they remind us of the risks associated with allowing divisive issues to take precedence over the humanity of people who see things differently than we do.
They‘re made for healing.
Across the panels, bubbles serve to distort and reflect what’s happening. To me, these bubbles reflect the lenses through which we see the world. We are influenced by our past experiences, our values, and our fears. Sometimes we see a distorted version of the truth. Other times, fear causes us to imagine the worst, or make assumptions about others who see things differently.
I invite you to explore the panels below. Each has a description of the issue that inspired it. Most importantly, each includes questions designed to prompt us to think more intentionally about how we see the world and others. These questions are designed to help us engage in more meaningful, healing conversations about divisive issues in our own communities.
They’re made for you.
It’s my sincere hope that you will find encouragement and begin your own healing conversations. I’m looking for ways to continue to share this work with the world, so if you have ideas for collaborations, if you’d like to hang the work in your community, or if you’re interested in using the prompts to hold your own healing conversation, connect with me! I’m looking for ways to help!
Healing begins with you and me.
Description and conversation prompts can be found below.